
Get synced with the network quickly using our daily snapshots

Chain ID: mars-1

Node Version: 1.0.0

Pre-requisite Setup

Configure the pruning settings as follows: app.toml

pruning = "custom"

pruning-keep-recent = "100"
pruning-keep-every = "0"
pruning-interval = "10"


indexer = "null"

Install lz4 if not already installed. This guide assumes that a Debian based OS is used:

sudo apt update &&\

sudo apt install -y snapd &&\

sudo snap install lz4

Stop the node. If not using cosmovisor to manage the mars daemon, use whatever service you use to manage the mars daemon

sudo systemctl cosmovisor stop

Reset the node. Depending on the chain, this can be done in one of two ways.

WARNING: While this should not wipe the priv_validator_key.json file, you should back up this key on validators prior to running the following commands.

# On some tendermint chains, use this command to reset the node database
marsd tendermint unsafe-reset-all --home $HOME/.mars

# On other tendermint chains, use this command if the above command did not work
marsd unsafe-reset-all

Basic Setup

Download the latest snapshot:

wget $(wget -q -O -

Extract the snapshot to the database location:

lz4 -c -d mars_*.tar.lz4  | tar -x -C $HOME/.mars

Restart the node assuming no errors were thrown while extracting the snapshot:

sudo systemctl cosmovisor start

Remove the snapshot archive to free up disk space

rm -v mars_*.tar.lz4

Make sure that the node is running without issues

sudo systemctl status cosmovisor
sudo journalctl -fu cosmovisor -o cat

This method requires less disk space than the previous method and is less commands overall.

Download and unarchive the snapshot to the database directory

wget -O - $(wget -q -O - | lz4 -c -d - | tar -x -C $HOME/.mars

Make sure that the node is running without issues

sudo systemctl status cosmovisor
sudo journalctl -fu cosmovisor -o cat

Last updated