A set of useful commonly used commands for node operators
Key Management
Add a new key
marsd keys add wallet_name
Recover an existing wallet
marsd keys add wallet_name --recover
List all keys
Validator Management
Create a new validator
marsd tx staking create-validator \
--amount=1000000 \
--pubkey=$(marsd tendermint show-validator) \
--moniker="YOUR_MONIKER_NAME" \
--identity="YOUR_KEYBASE_ID" \
--details="YOUR_DETAILS" \
--chain-id=mars-1 \
--commission-rate=0.05 \
--commission-max-rate=0.20 \
--commission-max-change-rate=0.01 \
--min-self-delegation=1 \
--from=wallet_name \
--gas-adjustment=1.4 \
--gas=auto \
Unjail a validator
marsd tx slashing unjail --from wallet_name --chain-id mars-1 --gas-adjustment 0 --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0umars
Query Jail Reason
marsd query slashing signing-info $(marsd tendermint show-validator)
Token Management
Query wallet balance
marsd q bank balances $(marsd keys show wallet -a)
Withdraw all rewards from validator, excluding commission
marsd tx distribution withdraw-all-rewards --from wallet_name --chain-id mars-1 --gas-adjustment 0 --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0umars
Withdraw all rewards and commission from validator
marsd tx distribution withdraw-rewards $(marsd keys show wallet --bech val -a) --commission --from wallet_name --chain-id mars-1 --gas-adjustment 0 --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0umars
Delegate tokens to yourself
marsd tx staking delegate $(marsd keys show wallet --bech val -a) 1000000umars --from wallet_name --chain-id mars-1 --gas-adjustment 0 --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0umars
List all proposals
marsd query gov proposals
View a specific proposal
NOTE: Replace 1 with the desired proposal id
marsd query gov proposal 1
Vote on a proposal
NOTE: Replace "1" with the desired proposal id. Replace "yes" with one of the cli commands from the table below.
The valid vote options are:
CLI Command
Vote to pass the proposal
Vote to not pass the proposal
Vote to abstain from the proposal
Vote to fail the proposal and burn the deposit. Typically only used for spam/scam proposals
marsd tx gov vote 1 yes --from wallet_name --chain-id mars-1 --gas-adjustment 0 --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0umars
Config Changes
Maintenance and status
Get validator info
marsd status 2>&1 | jq .ValidatorInfo
Get syncing info
marsd status 2>&1 | jq .SyncInfo
Get live peers
value as needed. 26657 is the default port, but can change based on the config.toml
CUSTOM_PORT="26657" && \
curl -sS http://localhost:${CUSTOM_PORT}/net_info | jq -r '.result.peers[] | "\(\(.remote_ip):\(.node_info.listen_addr)"' | awk -F ':' '{print $1":"$(NF)}'
Reset chain data
marsd tendermint unsafe-reset-all --home $HOME/.mars --keep-addr-book || \
marsd unsafe-reset-all --home $HOME/.mars --keep-addr-book
Linux Service Management
Check daemon/cosmovisor logs
NOTE: Replace cosmovisor
with the systemd service name if different
sudo journalctl -fu cosmovisor -o cat